Location Information
Lollipop’s Inn offers restaurant, bar and bed & breakfast services for tourists and other guests who simply want to visit the island and need a place to relax. Lollipop’s happily offers you great services combined with a beautiful cut door balcony view of the blue Caribbean Sea. Enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi and a friendly environment as Lollipop herself enjoys interacting with guests and sharing stories of Saba. Private rooms with shared baths for boys and girls are available. Rooms may accommodate 1 – 2 persons. The rooms consist of a king size bed, single bed and more depending on your needs.
Lollipop’s also offers catering services daily featuring local dishes to please your taste buds. The menu of the day can be found on the board outside of the restaurant. Just call and order, then your meal will be delivered to your house. Lollipop’s Inn also hosts events and group dinners upon request.
Centrally located just minutes from the medical school, hiking trails and capital village, the Bottom.